Three Credos of Language Power

You are good in what you do. In your specific area of research, you may even be considered an authority or a luminary. Or you are on your way to becoming one. But you are no journalist, nor do you dispose of a media relations department. Writing a text meant for publication is not your day-to-day business.

This is where SprachKraft comes into the picture.
Our work is based on three Credos:

John F. Kennedy und Willy Brandt, Copyright skeeze,

Das erste SprachKraft-CredoThe more people read and understand your texts, the more successful you will be.

If your texts are attractive, a journalist (specialising in your field) working for the New York Times, Science or Nature will have more than a rough idea of what your work truly contains or what your company is really about. This is what SprachKraft does to your texts.

Das zweite SprachKraft-Credo"Specialist-ese" or scientific lingo only where it is necessary or indispensable.

If you are an academic, think of the peer review-process of "Nature" or "Science". Or of that of the most renowned publication in your field. Most articles sent to the editor do not pass even this first hurdle: The editor does not pass them on to the referees. SprachKraft turns your specialist text into a more comprehensible one. Which is what will secure you a much better chance of getting and keeping an editor’s attention. This increases the probability your article gets published. An important stepping stone in your career.

If you are a businessman, SprachKraft will ensure your texts get more attention. Your website will be clicked on more often, resulting in higher click rates and accordingly more business. Your media releases will no longer go unnoticed, resulting in a much higher probability that your business is noticed and - again - in more business for you.

Das dritte SprachKraft-CredoSummaries are the keystones to your work.

Most readers do not have ample time on their hands, so they immediately turn to the abstract or summary of your work. This section of your work is positively crucial. This is why SprachKraft pays special attention to this section. Together with you, we will be formulating a concise, scientifically sound, and engaging abstract or summary.

A good summary will

  • not only convey your results, but also the enthusiasm you had while putting together your work.
  • lift your standing in the (your) scientific community.
  • increase the probability that your work will get noticed: you will be quoted, printed, mentioned, reported on.
  • mean that more than just the summary of your work is read.