The price of quality

Usually, you write a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral Thesis just once in your lifetime. Then these works should be as perfect as possible - and SprachKraft just makes your work better. We are aware of the fact that we are not the cheapest - neither do we want to be. Ask yourself: if you wanted legal advice and/or someone to take your case to court, would you look for the cheapest or the best lawyer?

SprachKraft quality comes at a price. We much prefer taking a detailed look at your work and clarifying what it is exactly that you want that we do for you. We would then agree on a fixed price. Depending on the scale of the work you would like us to do, the size of your work and the scale of urgency, the fixed price for a doctoral thesis can range from several hundred to a couple of thousand Euros. Shorter texts cost proportionally less. We offer a discount for students and those writing a doctoral thesis. We would like to spare you and us the counting of pages and letters. Payment by pages is a disadvantage either for you or for us.

Alternatively, we can work for you for an hourly rate of 80 Euros. An hour is 60 minutes for us, and as with the fixed price, you determine what exactly you want us to do in that timeframe.

Consider the bill for SprachKraft a business investment in your career. An investment that will pay off both financially and professionally. And an investment that is deductible in most income tax jurisdictions - definitely in Germany. Look at what Language Power will bring you.

We offer you a professional relationship. A relative or friend of yours usually does not know much about proof-reading and rarely is motivated enough to dig into your complicated matter for hours. His or her energy is very likely to fade after reading through 30 pages if 140 more will follow. Even if the energy is there: a friend or relative needs courage to tell you that an aspect of your work is off the mark. In our case it’s not a matter of courage, but duty. You pay us to get a work that shines not only academically, but also linguistically. If your friends or relatives want to help you with your work, ask them to (partially) foot the bill for SprachKraft if you cannot do so yourself yet.